
First Presbyterian Church Mission Work Group prayerfully seeks to help further God’s ministry to his children near and far.  The members of this group have established a mission statement and annual goals to help our focus.

Mission Statement:  Mission Workgroup will seek to nurture Mission works through acknowledging and encouraging church participants to prayerfully find passion within that responds to the needs of people near and far; to partner with Mission initiatives by assisting with project scope, requesting funding, etc.

Goals:  1) Several Mission projects per year:  local, regional, international;  2) Encourage education for each project – including implications of local-regional (national)-international;  3) Attempt to spread projects over entire year with one-two month break in between;  4) Focus on relationship: with congregation members and with recipient with emphasis to projects that give ongoing and possible reciprocal mission.

For more information about projects from 2015 and 2016, please see:
Local Mission
Regional Mission
International Mission

We are currently studying “The Isaiah Vision: An Ecumenical Strategy for Congregational Evangelism”  by Raymond Fung.   Isaiah is called “The Book of Salvation” and is the first book containing the writings of the prophets of the Bible.  Mr. Fung’s book focuses on Isaiah 65: 20-23, which he summarizes as protecting children, honoring the elderly, and walking with working men and women.

Mission Work Group meetings are held monthly September through May with meeting date and time determined by the members.   If you want additional information, please contact the church office.  We welcome your prayers,  interest and/or attendance.