Get Involved

First Presbyterian Church offers members, friends, and visitors many opportunities to be involved in the life of the church. Our desire is to connect people with ministries that offer them a place to pursue their passions in service to Christ. Here are some ways you might get involved:

Music & Worship:

  1. Chancel Choir
  2. Hand Bell Choir
  3. Praise Team
  4. Liturgist/Reader
  5. Deacon
  6. Acolyte (candle lighter)
  7. Serve on Music & Worship Team
  8. Sign up to provide flowers for worship
  9. Attend worship & special services


  1. Serve on Mission Work Group
  2. Occasional Local Mission Opportunities (Salvation Army Bell Ringing, United Way Day of Caring, packing food bags for CatPacks, handing out quarters and laundry soap for Laundry Love, etc.)
  3. Mission Trips
  4. Serve a meal at the Soup Kitchen


  1. Adult Sunday School Teacher
  2. Adult Sunday School Attendee
  3. Women’s Bible Study Attendee
  4. Youth Fellowship Leader
  5. Youth Fellowship Attendee (6th through 12th grade)
  6. Vacation Bible School Leader/Coordinator
  7. Vacation Bible School Helper
  8. Vacation Bible School Attendee
  9. Serve on the Christian Education Committee
  10. Teach or Attend an Occasional Study


  1. Coordinate Funeral Luncheons
  2. Give a Monetary Donation
  3. Serve on the Funds Ministry Committee or Generosity Team
  4. Serve on Property Committee
  5. Assist with landscaping around the building as part of the Landscaping Committee
  6. Consider leaving a Legacy Gift to the church


  1. Share prayer requests with the pastors or for the public prayer list
  2. Join the Care Team to visit the homebound, the sick, and the elderly
  3. Pray

Other Opportunities:

  1. Serve on Personnel Committee
  2. Help decorate the sanctuary
  3. Serve on Nominating Committee
  4. Serve as an Elder on Session
  5. Coordinate Funeral Luncheons
  6. Help in the Kitchen for Potlucks, Funeral Luncheons, or other meals
  7. Serve on Fellowship Committee
  8. Create Your Own Opportunity

Want to Get Involved at FPC? Fill out this form below and tell us what you are interested in.

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