Leave a Legacy
“The truest end of life, is to find the life that doesn’t end.” – Unknown
In the absence of Christ’s return, our hope is that the church will continue on long after we are no longer here. One of the best ways for you to help ensure that is to consider legacy giving through your Last Will and Testament. In making this kind of gift, you help the First Presbyterian Church’s ministry to continue to impact lives for God’s kingdom for years to come. Your gift allows others to be blessed by the ministry of FPC just as you have been.
There are a number of ways you can give a legacy gift to FPC. Some of the most common ways to make gifts are:
- Gifts of cash, securities, or other assets, such as objects of value and real estate. As outright gifts these could be deductible on your income tax.
- Bequests provide for loved ones, the church, and others through a provision in the donor’s will. This can be in a specific dollar amount or a percentage of available assets.
- Life Insurance allows a large gift at small cost by giving a new or existing policy, or by designating the church a beneficiary of a policy.
- A Charitable Remainder Trust allows a donor to receive income for life while making a major gift to the Church.
- Annuities
We strongly suggest you consult with your attorney, financial and/or tax advisor regarding personal tax benefits when planning a legacy gift to FPC.
- FUND A – If you wish to give a gift that will endure for a long time, but is not earmarked for a specific purpose, this is the choice for you. Fund A gifts maintain the original principal amount and use only the earnings and growth accumulated through investment (an average of 5% growth per year, but fluctuates with the stock market). The Session (the church’s governing board) will determine the best use of the growth on these funds.
- FUND B – If you wish to give a gift that will be used in full, then Fund B is the way you should go. Fund B gifts can be used fully with no principal amount preserved in an endowment account. For these gifts, you may select a specific ministry of the church to designate these funds for or you may leave that decision up to the Session. If you wish to specify a purpose for your gift, please consult with the pastors or the Session to determine the best way to designate your gift to accomplish your desired outcome. Some possible designations you could make would be: mission, music & worship, Christian education/formation, building & grounds renovations, or Blessed Beginnings Early Childhood Center.
- FUND C – If you wish to give a gift that will endure for a long time, but is also earmarked for a specific purpose, this is the option you should choose. Fund C gifts maintain the original principal amount and use only the earnings and growth accumulated through investment for the specific purpose that you designate. Please consult with the pastors or the Session to determine the best way to designate your gift to accomplish your desired outcome.
If you have further questions about how your gift will be used or how to designate your gift to best benefit the future ministry of the church, please consult with one of the pastors, visit with Session, or contact the Funds Ministry Committee.
Every gift you give to the church is deeply appreciated and counted as a great blessing! Thank you for loving FPC and seeking her welfare for years to come! May God bless you for your generosity!