
A year before the town of Scottsbluff was established in 1900, Presbyterian Sunday School missionary, Dr. James B. Currens, was sent by the Board of National Mission to establish a Presbyterian church in Scottsbluff. Dr. Currens set up as tent in a corn field and began to offer religious services. This lasted but a short time until a church was built at Sixteenth and First Avenue, which was the first church building in Scottsbluff. The church boasted the only  bell in town, which also served as the town fire alarm.

FullSizeRenderThe congregation grew and in 1922 purchased land at the present location of First Avenue and Twentieth Street. The basement was dug and the cornerstone laid on December 31, 1922. On March 1, 1925, the congregation moved to their new location. Despite the fact that the new church was a basement building only, it provided space for the sanctuary, Sunday school classes, a kitchen, and a gymnasium. Since the Scottsbluff high school was nearby and did not have a gym of their own, they used the Presbyterian gym.

In 1933, Mrs. A.A. Weller willed $21,000 to add the worship sanctuary. This was completed, furnished, and equipped with a Kilgen pipe organ for the first service held there on March 1, 1936. Through the years, additions have been made including the Christian Education classrooms, a chapel, offices, a parlor, the choir room, and an elevator. A complete history, Legacy of Faith 1900 to 2000, was written by Margy E. Martin.