
First Presbyterian Church has a strong history of music, which has continued to the present. Though the music programs of FPC have gone through many changes over the years, music remains a central part of the life of this church. We are blessed with many talented musicians and a host of music appreciators. Some of the ways people get involved in the music of the church are:

Our Chancel choir is for singers of high school age and up. Randy Raines does a marvelous job directing this group. Each year we have a few students from Western Nebraska Community College who join the Chancel Choir during the school year.

While many churches have gone away from handbell choirs due to lack of participation, ours continues to grow and expand. Dave Koehler leads this group magnificently and, often, a student or two from WNCC join this ensemble as well.

Most weeks, our congregational singing is done with organ or piano accompaniment using songs from our hymnbook. But, on occasion, we pull together a few extra instrumentalists and a group of singers to lead us in a slightly different style of worship music. dscn3665

Music is a very important part of our life together at First Presbyterian Church. Besides our choirs and praise team, we often have visiting musicians and soloists from our congregation and the community provide special music during worship. We also host a number of musical concerts and other musical performances outside of Sunday morning worship.

If you are a musician or a lover of music, you will feel right at home at First Presbyterian Church.