Local Mission
In prayer, the Mission Work Group of the First Presbyterian Church of Scottsbluff, Nebraska, seeks to follow our mission statement and goals as well as the mission of the church. One of the ways this leads us is toward a focus locally.
Each month, we ask for donations toward a designated Monthly Mission Focus. These collections are often designated for local mission partners or local missions of our church. Some of the recipients of these gifts include: CatPack/PupPack Weekend Backpack Program; Blessed Beginnings Early Childhood Center; the H.O.P.E. Center; Lakota Lutheran Center & Chapel; Potter’s Wheel food pantry; Gering Methodist Church’s Necessities Pantry; CAPWN’s Food Pantry; and Snow Angels (a program of the Scotts Bluff County Volunteer Center).
Recently we helped fund the purchase of a box truck (or van) to be used by a local Ukranian Christian who was returning to Ukraine to help refugees to be able to flee to Poland.
We volunteer one weekend each year for the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign, participate in the CROP Hunger Walk, and much more.